Monday, 6 August 2018

Child Head Lice Control, For Your Kid's Hygienic Freedom

The head louse, plural lice, among children, resides in the hair. Lice eggs are called nits, residing near where the hair shafts sprout from the skin. Though suspended in the hair, the lice have their mouth attached physically to the skin, in order to be able to draw blood. Child Head Lice Control is essential for your child's health care. That is initially the size of about half of a rice grain. When lice are wedged for long periods, they tend to swell, full of blood, such are like a swollen bubble, and then become around 6-7 times the size of a rice grain.

Question is, where do the lice originate from? In about 96% of the cases, the lice originate from hairy animals such as pet dogs and cats. I recall having a Cocker Spaniel, who was my pet as well as a very good friend. The Spaniel had to be cleared of lice and nits almost every alternate day by hand, with a comb, searching for these despised creatures and throwing them into a mug of water, so that the mug of water could then later, be thrown outdoors, near the rubbish. Killing the lice, nymphs, and nits meant physically crushing them. That would have been a messy job, as the majority contained blood in them. The tiny nits and nymphs could escape death as that was difficult to crush these minute creatures.

The lice eggs or nits upon hatching are called nymphs or baby lice. Nits are laid at the base of the protruding hair shafts, in contact with the head scalp. That takes about one to two weeks before the eggs hatch and another one to two weeks before nymphs become adults. Brown, tan and grayish yellow are the usual colours of nymphs. Only small amounts of blood are drawn by these parasites.

The irritation and itchiness can cause babies, children and adults, to start scratching which could be harmful. The feeling of scratchiness is started by lice bites. The saliva of the lice is the cause of this soreness. Most lice have a blood meal several times a day. These parasites can sustain themselves for about two days without drinking any blood.
For most kids, the soreness can be moderate while for others a heavy rash can develop.

 Head Lice and nits can be removed by special shampoos and liquid applications. However for young babies up to a few months old, shampoos and liquid anti-lice medication are not recommended at all due to the sensitive skin of young babies. For such the lice, nymph and nit removal have to be done by hand.

If on children and older babies such treatment does not seem to work, consulting a specialist doctor is usually recommended. there are salons that can help in Child head lice control. These service providers can often make visits or you can visit them at their salon. You may have to make periodic visits to ensure that your child’s head is lice free.


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